Eating disorder information
for everyone
Eating disorders are complex, especially if you have one, and we’re here to help you find accurate, practical information. Developed by the Silver Linings Foundation, these videos are an expert-led deep dive into everything from eating disorder causes to communication approaches and relapse strategies. Start with the subjects that grab you and work your way through the full library.
Communication Strategies for Eating Disorders
Communication is key when you’re supporting someone with an eating disorder. What’s the best approach?
Audience: Parents & Loved Ones, Everyone
Eating Disorder Treatment: Why and How to Involve Families in Recovery
Eating disorders thrive in isolation. Find out why including families in the treatment process is the key to recovery.
Audience: Parents & Loved Ones, Health Care Providers
Emotion Coaching: Steps to Discuss Those Underlying Feelings
Find out how to identify, validate and understand the complex emotions connected to eating disorders.
Audience: Parents & Loved Ones, Everyone
Healthy Body Talk: Moving on from Calorie and Weight Focused Conversations
The way we talk about our bodies affects the people around us. Find out how to model a positive body relationship.
Audience: Parents & Loved Ones, Everyone
“People don’t choose to have eating disorders, but they can make decisions about recovery.”
Conversation Landmines: What NOT to Say to Someone with an Eating Disorder
Learn how to avoid common conversational landmines when talking to a loved one with an eating disorder.
Audience: Parents & Loved Ones, Everyone
Malnutrition and Eating Disorders: Why Food Is the Medicine that Comes First
Eating disorders aren’t about food, yet food is the first priority in eating disorder treatment. Why?
Audience: Clients, Everyone
Eating Disorder Treatment: Communication Approaches for Physicians
When you think a patient may have an eating disorder, what’s the best way to address that?
Audience: Health Care Providers, Everyone
Eating Disorder Recovery: Maintaining and Sustaining Progress
Once you’ve gone through eating disorder recovery, the goal is to stay on a healthy path. Find out how.
Audience: Clients, Everyone
Finding Balance with an ED Dietitian
How eating disorder dietitians help their clients find diets that help them live well—mentally and physically.
Audience: Clients, Everyone
“Language matters. Body- and food-related communication is a natural threat for anyone with an eating disorder.”
Eating Disorders and the Danger of Perfectionism
Perfectionism can fuel the development of an eating disorder. Find out how it affects the mind and body.
Audience: Clients, Parents & Loved Ones
Weight & The Recovery Process
Learn from an eating disorder dietitian why weight only plays a minor role in your overall health.
Audience: Clients, Parents & Loved Ones
Eating Disorder Support: The Binge/Purge Cycle and How to Help
A thorough, no-nonsense explanation of binging and purging behaviour, and how to interrupt the cycle.
Audience: Clients, Parents & Loved Ones
Sexually Diverse Populations & Eating Disorders
When eating disorders affect young people who identify as sexually diverse, what’s the best way to support them?
Audience: Parents & Loved Ones, Everyone
The Overlooked Reality of Eating Disorders in Men
Many boys and men struggle with eating disorders, but the signs and symptoms may not be what we expect.
Audience: Clients, Everyone
Managing Anxiety: Tips from the Experts
Advice from all of our featured experts on how to understand anxiety and self-regulate when it arises.
Audience: Everyone, Clients
“Malnutrition is a great mimic of other mental health and cognitive disorder like depression and anxiety.”